YUOXOnotification of changes in prices of some products
Time:2013/6/7 8:47:03
Dear YUOXO YOOX customers:
How are you! Very thank you for your utmost support and assistance has long been, since 2006, has been on the market a variety of uncertainties is constantly changing, and cover all the factories and even the Secretary facing a new dilemma, you need the support of our customers in order to tide over the crisis.
1 appreciation of the yuan, and the appreciation of the frequency increasing; since 2006, over 15% appreciation of the RMB to U.S. dollars quoted under increasing pressure.
(2) Most of the raw material prices, especially plastic, paper or in class about 15-20%; heavy metals and other materials rose at 8-15 percent.
3 by low wages continued to improve and the implementation of the new labor contract law and other multiple factors, labor costs higher level.
4 Factory nature restructuring, tax and other costs have risen. Given all these reasons, until June 2008, after the orders need to re-offer. Meanwhile, in order to try to control cost increases, reducing the pressure eventually bring customers, the Secretary will cover Strict production efficiency, and needs your company's cooperation, a lot of each order and the minimum order quantity 1000pcs, thank you very much for your company cooperation and understanding. Finally, I wish your company business is booming, and prosperity! YUOXO Hong Kong International Group | Shenzhen Yoox Technology Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Group Yuoxo | Shenzhen Yuoxo Technology Co., Ltd